
I've spent my career working in the finance & technology industries, ranging from large corporations to growing start-ups. I understand the balance between prioritizing growth and investing in employee well-being and the critical role that mental health resources can play.

My mission is to bring intentional and approachable mental health and wellness solutions to help you achieve your organization’s goals.


Don’t create band-aid solutions.

Embed the right solutions and practices in your culture.


What I have found in my own career is that a lot of the issues surrounding mental health that pop up could have been addressed much earlier. 

Prioritizing your employees’ mental health and ensuring you’re building the right practices helps in the long-run

After completing my Bachelor of Arts from University of Waterloo, I took a break from school to focus on my career. Ending up in finance, I worked in retail banking before switching over to the fintech world. While working full-time, I decided to continue my education and began my Masters of Arts in Counselling Psychology. 

My focus has been mental health in the workplace from an anti-racism and anti-oppression framework. Cultural competence is extremely important to me, and I continue to educate myself on how to work with Canada’s diverse populations.

Notable experience:

  • Leadership training on mental health and burnout 

  • Facilitated multiple panels (virtual and in-person) on various mental health topics, including: how to talk to your manager about mental health, burnout, and how to prioritize your mental health during COVID

  • Worked with multiple organizations to create policies around mental health, including revamping sick days and updating benefits packages

  • Led healing sessions for different intersectionalities (2SLGBTQ+, BIPOC, Women)

Arunie led a Mental Health Awareness Lunch & Learn with our team - it was the first time we had a mental health LnL with our company, and Arunie did a fantastic job! During our consult, she really took the time to understand our needs, and the end result was an informative, engaging, and safe space for our team. We talked about what mental health is, how it shows up in the workplace, and how to recognize when we (or others) are burnt out. 

I'd highly recommend bringing in Arunie to host a Lunch and Learn or other events on mental health - we're excited to bring Arunie back for a future event with our team!”

— Ashleigh Riley, People & Talent Coordinator, Bonsai